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( n ) -e []未净油酸
olein, chemical compound found in vegetable oils, triglyceride of oleic acid
olein, chemical compound found in vegetable oils, triglyceride of oleic acid

  1. WORTROSETTE 1. Selene, 2. Olein, 3. Tonart, 4. Tritt, 5. Retina, 6. Erker, 7. Sirene, 8. Eisen, 9. Lotterie. (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1999)
  2. Senkrechte Spalten: Absud, Teddy, Itala, Omega, Metro, Legat, Silbe, Arion, Oma, Karamelle, Otter, Step, Ili, Adi, Sinn, Lunte, Mohikaner, Ges, Irene, Inari, Geige, Arete, Stola, Lilie, Olein, Leere. (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1999)
  3. Absud Arete Arion Geige Inari Irene Itala Leere Legat Lilie Lunte Metro Olein Omega Otter Silbe Stola Teddy; (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1999)



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