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anaesthesia    Aussprache  加入生词本  
[die] 昏状态。麻醉。麻木状态。
anaesthesia, anesthesia, narcosis, narcoses
  1. Key words: ambulatory anaesthesia, ambulatory surgery, quality management, cost efficiency, complication rates (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1999)
  2. Even medical histories like diabetes mellitus or adiposity are not necessarily limiting factors for ambulatory anaesthesia and surgery. (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1999)
  3. Ambulatory anaesthesia, carried out at an outpatient surgical clinic or by a mobile anaesthesiologist, can fundamentally contribute to more cost efficiency in public health services. (Quelle: Der niedergelassene Chirurg 1999)


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