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depreciation    Aussprache  加入生词本  
 价, 跌价; 视, 贬低; 贬值;
  1. (Ebitda: Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortisation). (Quelle: DIE WELT 2001)
  2. Based on the high depreciation occasioned by the merger, Management Data is expecting a balanced result for the year 2000, although the individual companies will make a profit. (Quelle: onvista Wirtschafts-News 2000)
  3. The EBDIT (earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes) increased by 8.7 percent to DM 8.7 (8.0 before cost of going public) million despite the burden of the high US dollar exchange rate. (Quelle: onvista Wirtschafts-News 2000)


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