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different    Aussprache  加入生词本  
(Adj.) ,,差别,差异
  1. different (geh.), disparat (geh.), divergent (geh.), heterogen (geh.), inäqual (geh.), inegal (geh.), ungleichartig, unvereinbar, unverträglich
  1. North Korea has quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and is pursuing two different methods of producing nuclear bomb fuel. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. Although it was Mr. Bush's second war in two years, it was different in nearly every way from the first, in Afghanistan. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  3. But part of it seems to have to do with the current state of the Arab world - and here we face the "they are like us; they are different" conundrum. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)


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