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evolve    Aussprache  加入生词本  
v. 展。。阐挥。培养。(摄影)冲洗。(数)展。推
develop, evolve, generate, cultivate
  1. But some NGO's and some of the organized international protestors at Seattle or Genoa tend to evolve from theoretical idealism into violence; some may in the end even become terrorists. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)
  2. By developing the consulting business for the EASY channel, a renowned international consulting firm that focuses on knowledge management, document management and electronic archiving is projected to evolve as an integral part of the corporation. (Quelle: onvista Wirtschafts-News 2000)
  3. Prof. Jared M. Diamond, Physiologe an der University of California in Los Angeles, spricht im Rahmen der "Ernst-Mayr-Lecture 1998" über die Frage "Why Did Human Societies Evolve Differently on Different Continents?" (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1998)


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