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failure    Aussprache  加入生词本  
failure, lack of success

failure, lack of success

[der] (核故。
incident, accident, failure

[der] 败。
failure, flop

[die] 败。
failure, flop, hash

[die] 败。弄砸。
failure, flop, hash

failure, flop, hash

disturbance, perturbation, interruption, interference
fault, defect, failure, breakdown
  1. The failure of Wilson's postwar dream helped make most Americans skeptical of world-saving fantasies during World War II. Thus our most necessary war was also the most resistant to providentialist interpretation. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. (As an end, the political equality is there a failure, as a means, also, it is there a failure.) (Quelle: Marx -)
  3. In my heart I accused my companion of putting forward a most lame and impotent excuse to cover his failure. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)


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