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located    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj. 位
situated, located, placed, sited
  1. Some additional tower sites are located far outside the mausoleums towards the south. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  2. The mausoleum wall can easily have a total circumference of 10 km. Including the stone sculptures located outside the wall region, the immediate area of one Tang mausoleum may comprise 15 km². (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  3. The nucleus, located within the rhizoid of the cell, is easily and reliably separated from the bulk of the cytoplasm by a simple cut with scissors, resulting in a nucleate and anucleate fragment. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)


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