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nevertheless    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adv. (罕见)尽。依
nevertheless, nonetheless

adv. (口语谑语)而。
nevertheless, nonetheless

konj. (口语谑语)而。。尽
nevertheless, nonetheless
  1. Nevertheless, there is no great hope for a global governance over fair competition in global markets. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)
  2. Nevertheless, the measurements are time-consuming and very boring. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  3. Nevertheless, there is a certain interest in the areas inbetween the different sites and the neighbouring regions. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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