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promising    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adj. 希望
developable, progressive, promising, viable

adj. 希望预见

adj.adv. 预见满希望希望
promising, promisingly
  1. Like this the genetic diversity is enough for a high variability for the selection of promising clones in the future. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  2. This is also promising since many tomb mounds are larger than the tower mounds, with diameters in the range of 20 to about 60 metres and corresponding elevations. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  3. USA, Japan and other developed countries are the other segment of promising investment countries. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 59

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