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subsequent    Aussprache  加入生词本  
adv. 而。。 adj. 致。。其次。随
consequent, consequently, subsequent, subsequently
  1. However, a subsequent decrease and final cessation of UDS at day 6 takes place although significant levels of CPA-DNA adducts have been reported to occur at that time point in rat liver cells. (Quelle: bmb+f Forschungslandkarte Deutschland 1998)
  2. Bertram Gerber vom Institut für Biologie wiederum beschäftigte sich mit dem Lernverhalten der Honigbiene: "The role of previous experience for subsequent memory formation: Behavioral analyses of honeybee olfactory learning". (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1999)
  3. These two factors ensure even better capacity utilisation in subsequent periods. (Quelle: onvista Wirtschafts-News 2000)


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