

[1] n. 脸谱网

   FaceBook 例句 Quelle: Tatoeba
  1. I have a Facebook account.
  2. Do you know anyone who's not on Facebook?
  3. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies.
    如果你在 Facebook 註冊,你的個人資料就會被送到情報機關的手裏。
  4. I met your mother through Facebook. So, if Facebook didn't exist, neither would you, my little angel.
    我是在 Facebook 認識你媽媽的。所以,如果沒有 Facebook,你也不會在這個世界上了,我的小寶寶。
  5. I met your mother through Facebook. So, if Facebook didn't exist, neither would you, my little angel.
    我是在 Facebook 認識你媽媽的。所以,如果沒有 Facebook,你也不會在這個世界上了,我的小寶寶。
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