

[1] adj. 性爱的, 性欲的, 色情的
[2] n. 好色之徒, 色情诗
[3] [医] 性欲的, 色情的

[ i'rɒtik ]

   erotic 例句 Quelle: Tatoeba
  1. "What's the difference between erotic and kinky?" "Erotic is when you use a feather and kinky is when you use a whole chicken."
    "性愛和色情之間有什麼不同之處?" "性愛是當你使用一根羽毛,色情是當你使用整隻雞。"
  2. "What's the difference between erotic and kinky?" "Erotic is when you use a feather and kinky is when you use a whole chicken."
    "性愛和色情之間有什麼不同之處?" "性愛是當你使用一根羽毛,色情是當你使用整隻雞。"
  3. She was an intelligent woman with an erotic aura.