

[1] ad. 相反地
[2] [机] 反的, 反对

[ ɪn'vɚslɪ ]

   inversely 例句 Quelle: Tatoeba
  1. The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC.
  2. If one person's qualities are really good, and they have one hundred points, but of those hundred they only give you thirty or forty, or even ten or twenty and then inversely, another person maybe only has seventy or eighty points but they treat you with their heart and soul, then which person should you choose?
    一個人如果條件很好,有一百分,可是這一百分之中,他只給你三四十分,或一二十分;相反地,另一 個人也許只有七八十分,可是他卻是全心全意的對待你,那你應該選擇那一個?