

[1] surplus 的复数 ❬/p❭
[2] ❬font color="#ff0000"❭❬font color="#ff0000"❭n.}} }}剩余, 过剩, 盈余
[3] ❬font color="#ff0000"❭a.}} 过剩的, 剩余的
[4] ❬font color="#993366"❭[经]}} 盈余, 公积; 剩余的 ❬/p❭
[5] 例句❬/p❭
[6] ❬font color="#0000ff"❭❬font color="#008000"❭Surpluses}}}} of food can is sold for cash.}}}}
[7] 多馀的食物可卖钱.}}❬/p❭
[8] ❬font color="#0000ff"❭Key enterprises have made great progress in making up deficits and getting ❬font color="#008000"❭surpluses}}. }}}}
[9] 重点企业扭亏增盈有较大进展。}}❬/p❭
[10] ❬font color="#0000ff"❭We have consistently been able to achieve budget ❬font color="#008000"❭surpluses}} }}averaging 2% of our GDP.}}}}
[11] 我们一直都能达到平均占每年本地生产总值2%的财政盈馀。}}❬/p❭
[12] ❬font color="#0000ff"❭farming that provides for the basic needs of the farmer without ❬font color="#008000"❭surpluses}} }}for marketing.}}}}
[13] 只为农民提供基本的需要而没有剩余的投入市场的农业。}}❬/p❭
[14] ❬font color="#0000ff"❭We have consistently been able to achieve budget ❬font color="#008000"❭surpluses}} }}averaging 2% of GDP per annum.}}}}
[15] 我们一直都能达到平均占每年本地生产总值2%的财政盈馀。}}❬/p❭

[ 'sә:plәses ]