

[1] n. Baseball

[ 'beisbɒ:l ]

   baseball 例句 Quelle: Tatoeba
  1. He as well as you likes baseball.
    Er mag Baseball, genau wie du.
  2. Our baseball diamond is very small.
    Unser Baseballplatz ist sehr klein.
  3. What do you play baseball for?
    Wozu spielst du Baseball?
  4. The baseball game was called off due to rain.
    Das Baseballspiel wurde wegen Regens abgesagt.
  5. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off.
    Es regnete heftig, und infolgedessen wurde das Baseballspiel abgesagt.
  6. 查看更多 ...


 m./n.  Z des Baseballs


[1] baseball, type of game played with a bat and a ball and four stations that players must reach in order to score;
[2] hardball

Substantiv, Eigenname, m

Kasus Singular Plural
Nominativ Baseball Baseballs
Genitiv Baseballs Baseballs
Dativ Baseball Baseballs
Akkusativ Baseball Baseballs


Base·ball, Base·balls
IPA ˈbɛɪ̯sbɔːl[1], ˈbeːsboːl[2], ˈbɛɪ̯sbɔːls, ˈbeːsboːls
Hörbeispiele: ,

   Baseball 例句 Quelle: Tatoeba
  1. Wenn es morgen schön ist, spielen wir Baseball.
    If it is fine tomorrow, we will play baseball.
  2. Ich spiele gerne Freiluftsportarten wie Baseball, Tennis und Fußball.
    I like outdoor sports, such as baseball, tennis and soccer.
  3. So wie die Amerikaner Baseball mögen, mögen die Briten Cricket.
    Just as the Americans like baseball, the British like cricket.
  4. Einige Studenten mögen Baseball und andere mögen Fußball.
    Some students like baseball, and others like soccer.
  5. Wir haben gestern Baseball gespielt.
    We played baseball yesterday.
  6. 查看更多 ...


Kasus Singular Plural
Nominativ der Baseball -
Genitiv des Baseballs -
Dativ dem Baseball -
Akkusativ den Baseball -
单数 复数